Saturday, October 25, 2008

who watches the cheesy poofs

- Ate Cheetos for breakfast one morning and (unsurprisingly) felt deathly ill for hours afterwards.
- Suffered from a terrible cold (mainly congestion, still ongoing) and called off cleanse in order to hydrate self and take vitamins. Siiiiigh.
- Signed up for nanowrimo. Whatevs, chickens. I can’t wait to type trash for 1-2 hours per morning/late night.
- Had breakfast with my good friend Kati at Jam—it was so good seeing her again! We need to spend a *lot* more time together. She will always be my “jefa.” We even got to ride our bikes together around Hawthorne and stop at Buffalo Exchange in search for a Halloween costume.
- Briefly pondered dressing up as Sarah Palin. I’m probably just going to go as Ophelia again, third year and running.
- Bought underwear from the Nordstrom Rack. When all your underwear has holes in it and you realize you’ve owned the same pairs since ninth grade, it’s probably time to get some new unmentionables.
- Felt decidedly like a competent, capable teacher.
- Had a blast teaching ESL classes with weather and telling-time themes
- Had only two kids (my two favorites! Jonathon and Jon) show up for homework club on Thursday, so we spent an hour and a half just playing board games. Apparently I suck at Operation (I always make the man’s body buzz angrily and his nose glow red) and rock at Chinese Checkers (at least when competing fourth graders).
- Went to two yoga classes and decided I’m going to have to find a different studio. As nice as it is to have a studio close by in Sellwood, its schedule is just plain not compatible with mine. I need early morning classes, more than two times a week.
- Finished “Finding Orwell in Burma”; started “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man,” which I think I read in high school… at least, I remember the whooshing noise it made as the majority of it went completely over my head (that was a clumsily phrased metaphor).
- Started reading "Watchmen" upon Brian's recommendation, which is strangely compelling and unsurprisingly addictive. After I post this entry (I'm in the PSU lab) I'll probably stroll down to Powell's and read some more.
- Felt pleased about the election for the first time in yonks.
- Had the future become a little clearer. I don’t want to jinx anything, but if all goes well, hopefully we’ll be staying in Portland for the long-term.
- Enjoyed reading my horoscope for the next week, which advised me to exercise more “discipline” (perhaps in reference to the aforementioned cheesy poofs)

1 comment:

Elyssa Pachico said...

Cheesy turds.

What's nanoriwmo? Or however you spell it.

I missed you on Skype. There goes my excitement for Saturday night. I am all "Gargoyle"-d out, unfortunately.

Speaking of books, I am about to finish all of the library books I checked out from the Bushwick public library, which soons I will be forced to seek out a social life. Pray for me.

Sounds like teaching is going to good? And futureplans?

I dyed my hair a lighter shade of brown today. It was supposed to be blonde. Disappointing.

I was also going to update my blog but instead I am going to bed in an effort to get to work earlier than 11 a.m. tomorrow. Pray for me.